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Caring for every babies’ health and wellbeing  

Children are the future of Australian society. Regrettably the misfortune of illness affects many infants across our society. Australia has some of the best children’s health facilities and medical practitioners in the world, but there will always be a gap between new programs and initiatives and the funding available to them. This is why Dr. Chau is committed to assisting organisations that help deliver better children’s health services and essential care for newborns.


Photo credit: michalbarhaim via Unsplash.

Our Why

The World Health Organisation estimates that 15 million babies are born preterm each year. In Australia, this equates to around 9% of all births countrywide, with prematurity being the leading cause of death in children under the age of 5. With the right interventions, the lives lost as a result of preterm birth can be dramatically reduced, with the early-stage health of infants also having a significant impact on the lifelong health of the child.

We believe that children are the future of Australian society, as well as the health situation of newborn babies plays a significant role in their way of growing up. Even though Australia has some of the best children’s health facilities and medical practitioners in the world, there will always be a gap between new programs and initiatives and the funding available to them. We hope to fill the gap, by assisting the organizations that help deliver better children’s health services and essential care for newborns.

Babies health

Photo credit: Aditya Romansa via Unsplash.

Our Objectives

  • To support research in preventable newborn health diseases and issues.

  • To ensure available treatments for premature pregnancies.

  • To collaborate with researchers in studying methods into  prevention of  pre-term births, illness, and disease affecting babies and help in developing programs and therapies for prevention and treatment.

  • To broaden the access to quality maternal and newborn care

  • Fill the gap in underfunded areas of prenatal care and research.


How We Work

The Chau Chak Wing Foundation is committed to this cause where such a substantial difference can be felt. A long-term, evidence-based strategy to create a culture that prioritizes newborn babies' health will ensure that all Australian children have the best start in life.

We believe every mother and baby should receive the care and support they deserve. Many babies in underprivileged communities don’t have access to the necessary healthcare services and treatments. Chau Chak Wing foundation can provide access to primary healthcare services for pregnant women, newborns, and infants, including immunization programs, prenatal care, and nutrition support.

In addition, we are focused on partnerships with research institutions, collaborating with mission-aligned partners in the research and access to high-quality care to help cut preventable maternal and newborn illness and death.


Grants Programs

Announcement of Chau Chak Wing Foundation Newborn Health Grants recipients.jpg

Chau Chak Wing Foundation announces inaugural Newborn Health grant recipients

The Chau Chak Wing Foundation is delighted to announce the successful recipients of grants under the inaugural $200,000 funding round in the field of newborn health.


Four organisations were each awarded $50,000 to initiate or further vital research projects, enhance community support programs, or purchase lifesaving equipment in the areas of premature birth and newborn care and development in the community.

The Chau Chak Wing Foundation congratulates each grant recipient and looks forward to the planning and delivery phase of these important projects and programs.


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